> You say spirits solidify into physical objects by sleeping.
Hmmmm... I was trying to say that you have to "awaken" the spirit so you can convince it can change form. Maybe I should've said that spirits "accept" their form instead of sleeping. It's like they are turning off their spiritual qualities like a computer turns off but you can awaken it via turning it on?
> Sleep is a bit difficult because your body definitely slows down in terms of actions
Not exactly. The body is working a lot while you are sleeping because it is in maintenance mode. I wouldn't say it slows down just because it is not "walking" anymore. There are important energy movements while sleeping and saying they are slower doesn't feel right.
> but I’m not sure the mind slows down
REM sleep. Your eyes literally move so your subconscious/body can rescan and rewrite parts of the brain. How it puts short term memory into long term. It is an activity you are unable to do awake. 
> Dreams can’t often be described as slow
We usually remember the dream before waking up. You can say that the energy reaches a level where the body can execute to experience a dream. Lucid dreaming and dream yoga is different ofc. How fast is something depends on it's energy. Not to mention speed is relative. Which is a problem. You cannot relate everything to a single axiom. While everything is connected one way or the other that doesn't mean they don't have many stages they have to go through first. Oversimplifying complicated things not always result in universal understanding...
> But do spirits "become" material or do they only "inhabit" material?
Sometimes they are spirit and material at the same time while coming into existence. It's like the chicken or the egg. The egg contains the chicken while the chicken contains the egg. It doesn't matter which was first the only thing is they have a way to continue their own cycle.
Some spirits consciously decide if they accept you as a master and after that they solidify into an artifact that you can command while you can infuse objects with spirits to increase their function. Not every object has a "smart" spirit. Sometimes you have to supplement it with sentience and make sure that type of sentience is compatible with the object and with your sentience.
> Or is the material that the spirit inhabits itself another spirit?
Yes? There can be several spirits in an object besides the original spirit and they can become an "organism" with that
> Is the case that physical matter has a great many spirits packed in a great density and this density of spirits is what causes the high level of existential inertia that physicality has compared to the spirit?
Existential inertia... That concept... Object can "move" but not with their "own legs" but via other natural forces around us. If an object is that "aware" it can connect to an another spirit or a force and "move" or can "convince" a subconscious of a conscious being to "take it for a ride". I remember reading at some magic crystal blog decade ago how crystals can decide to depart from us. I mean yes those absentminded fucks usually lose them but they can also change their original energies and mysteriously vanish. Regular objects also can do that. Falling into other dimensions randomly. Inertia is a wrong concept because "everything moves" by default and not seeing that something moves doesn't mean it does not move at all.
> That it is simply caused by the necessity of having to move a great deal more things at once. 
Necessity... Spirits and objects usually in a place "where they belong" and once they find their place they stay there... Maybe saying they don't move but "gravitate" towards something is more accurate.