the elven was "nice" so I went up to vampire then grey. They each felt a little "stronger". The djinn... I cannot even place that anywhere. It felt like some big cloud.
Then the killer fairy. Yeah. That was amazing. A bunch of needles. some of them were small then some of them were giant and went through my head. My left hand felt like it's being stripped of it's flesh. Then the bone inside being ripped apart.

The good part was that the pain was just that. Pain. So it didn't obstruct me on my day and even gave me back my flexibility.  Because I still have no idea what even karma is but it seems my virtue level is still not high enough and some slime like thing is slowly creeping back into my body and makes me stiff and tense (now it was moldy green) I tried to get it out with new means but I got bored of the incomplete results and I was "craving" for some purifying pain anyway so I went in. I still think I am not 100% synced with this device. But the effects are "working"