
> they will realize they actually do not understand even stone age technology
Most people can't even start a fire in their own grill...  I really liked those tranny posts about "I really want to abolish Israel but they are making my HRT pills." Our current level of technology is truly a marvel to behold sometimes 

> Laws are capitalist/counter-rev methods which are seen as attacks against the population
In communism law schools taught the lawyers how as things progress laws will become obsolete because people will become "good" and there will be no need for these things anymore... Funny how that turned out and how commies always needed their "show trials" to keep a face and proving they are still in line with the "law" and not just getting rid their own undesirables because they either stepped out of line or feared to lose their power to them. This is a long running theme and somehow no one managed to do it. Somehow always needs to be a "law" so some people don't rape toddlers and don't put cats into the microwave... IF THE GOVERNMENT DOESN'T FORBID YOU TO GO AGAINST COMMON SENSE THEN THEY ENCOURAGE YOU TO DO IT. It can be so ridiculous sometime. But this is what it means "being blind to heaven". This is something I wonder about for a long while. In the end it boils down "we just have to purge evil so evil does not create scenarios where your only chance of survival is either becoming evil or submitting to evil" but it really can get nuanced while understanding what is "benevolence" and "compassion".

> Humans however do not have claws
I always wanted to point this out but we do? You can grow them out it can be naturally sharp if you cut them well (I had to watch out to not cut people accidentally with mine sometimes and had to blunt them intentionally). There are even kung fu techniques about using them to cut arteries with a "pinch" and other things. Also we have fists? Only kangaroos and gorillas can use that as a weapon but we still have that. But then again as I said how humans can't even start a fire nowadays you can say how most humans can't even use their own "weapons"... So I have to say the generalization is correct...
> This means in common terms that as long as it exists in nature, it is allowed
Yeah just asked and found out most of my "powers" and the way I operate count as "natural forces" or as safekeeping the "truth of the world" so what I am doing is not just allowed but encouraged huh...
> that drug use will be uninteresting
You need to live an extremely low life to find that thing interesting by default.
> inb4 dude you just didn't try x or y that is why you don't see the appeal
Sure. The fact that I can overload all my nerves the way I want if I even care about these things at my own leisure kinda nullifies the point of these things for a while. Especially because I have to teach my nerves how to handle energy overloads properly for different spiritual lessons. Those orgasmic experiences are just side effects that I have to teach my "flesh" so it does not panic when I am doing my own thing. Having to fix several generations worth of psychic maladaptation takes time.  Was weird learning that my "technomancy" is more "genetic" and not exactly something that belongs in my "Origin power retinue". Even dad was able to hear some sounds electricity made when malfunctioning like me but most members of my family are deaf to that sound. Still not sure how this works nor I understand how Tesla discovered his own abilities anymore. It seems there is more to this than I thought.