
> tanks beyond diesel
Also it's ridiculous how we didn't manage to make a single industrial equipment that can surpass diesel. 
I also like this leftist retardation. >We should abolish diesel but we should still get cheap products from overseas because I don't want to see a single factory in my green walkable craft beer city nor I want to pay premium for it because I already wasted my money on overpriced rents and virtue signal consumer products. >Also I don't want to do any manual labor because that is for lowlives that I am certainly not! I as an enlightened gender neutral bathroom consultant should not waste xer time doing actual labor because mine is even more important for everyone!

The shit my country went through to ban gender studies... They banned every university that didn't grant a diploma that let's you find a workplace after finishing it. With this we cut the "Homegrown leftist production" and 90% of the activist mob for hire retards. The good thing about leftists is that they are unable to do much besides screeching and petty violence. They have no violent ghetto nigger "allies" here so they are toothless.  Gypsies are something leftists are unable to control  and our arab population is low especially for leftist causes. Am so glad finally the ideological divide in the left is finally showing in the west. I did not understand how they managed to make them stick together for so long. Took time to understand how they didn't even do that just pretended how inclusive they are and just grabbed some colored that are too jobless because gibs and doesn't really have anything better to do and doesn't understand what is going on at all...

At least everything they do is not sustainable and deemed to fall. The more I think about leftists the more pity I feel towards them. That pity lasts as long as they approach my vicinity tho. The moment you let a diseased animal into the flock you are fucked and might die with it so I am not taking chances with them.
Teaching an animal how to not bite and how to follow commands is one thing but teaching them how to not spread AIDS? Yeah I am not on that level of awakened master yet.

 Okay my next posts will be less ranty I swear. Even I am bored of the tone of my posts