> I never watched that far in Evangelion, got bored after the first 12 eps with the weekly monster set up
This is something I never expected to hear from you. It's only after that the plot starts properly developing. Wtf. That anime had as much influence over media and mainstream metaphysical understanding as Matrix. So you posted this  >>/1483/ without finishing EVA? I mean I too got bored Bleach in the middle of the Espada arc but that was like 40 eps and that was one of my first anime that I started watching because a highschool weeb recommended it to me so I somewhat understand the sentiment.

> That was more zen natured in style.
The manga came out after the anime where Anno didn't have to crunch and run the race with the budget drying out. The last episodes of evangelion is literally about how to make TRUE ART with 0 budget. It was ridiculous and glorious. Just writing about it makes me realize I should rewatch it. I mean it took me like 2 years to watch the Evangelion 4.0 anime because it was supposed to come out back in 2012? and I totally lost even the desire to see how Anno pisses off the fans as usual but I still watched it last year. I am not telling you to watch it because maybe there is no point after all the things we did metaphysically already in this level because while what it portrays exist it is far more complicated than that but it still gives a good idea for those that have 0 idea about how larger organizations try to initiate the "end of the world" for "salvation". 

> the scene were Rei and Shinji make tea together was the peak of it all.
It had so many "peaks" on different scale I don't even know if I even  had a "favorite moment" besides the ODE TO JOY. 

> the scene were Rei and Shinji make tea together was the peak of it all.
Yeah I will have to rewatch the anime and see how the manga improved the scenes after it. And no I am not an EVA fan because Anno "hates" his fans with his warped mentality that he portrays in his anime all the time. Good thing half the Gainax team survived and made TRIGGER studio to continue the awesome
> weekly monster set up + kino
> I have nothing interesting to watch now
I almost envy you. I need to let absolute lethargy to overtake me to even think that. I am getting worse at letting lethargy overtake me nowadays tho.
> is there nothing left to uncover? 
Then maybe it's time to uphold everything that is right? 
 Just kidding the depth is always infinite. I don't even know when will I reach the state in a way  I truly believe I reached the "end" anymore 

> I bought season 2 like 16 years ago but never watched it.
At least you made me feel less bad about the 10 year old files on my HDD with this post.
It is always weird when we watch something that just "had" the insight we looked for.  Figuring out how Pandora's box actually "saved" humanity in a warped way then having the urge to watch the Prisma Ilya movie that just happened to reveal this is the main plot of the entire story in that movie was one of the most surprising for me