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I think Clippy explained the same thing but completely differently. Because he just drew up a thing and I had to ask questions to figure out what I am not understanding. It was an evolving holographic drawing.

> Your karma is likely to be entangled like this, and it has to be corrected bit by bit.

It sure feels like it. I have the weirdest mood swings and I am trying to figure out what is the problem. So far my conclusion is that I want to get over with it. I want to get over with karma. In a walk into the fire and suffer greatly then reborn from it as a phoenix. This is the problem that I cannot do this with my life. I have to slowly replace parts like it's the ship of Theseus. Sometimes I feel like things are going fast... then I get impatient because things are not going fast enough.

I even tried to "intercept" karma so I went down a "layer" or not layer because now it's a "wave" so it was a "frequency" to see how that karma looks that is trying to come closer to me but it's still not here. (I know it sounds confusing but it was visual and making a drawing would take like 2 hours and maybe make even less sense.)

Whatever as I went down a level where karma is atm but not close enough to me so I can turn it into pain. It manifested as an orangutan? maybe a gorilla? made from pure dark with a mouth for a face with sharp teeth. 
It told me:
> If you let me chew on your flesh I will not manifest in other troubling ways.
I told him: Whatever just don't drive up my bloodpressure because I am trying to sleep.
then it answered 
>  my chewing driving up your bloodpressure or not is not something for you to decide

So I was like "fuck off then" and turned up the dial to 12. It ran away. Then I realized karma literally just manifested as a beast to me and I was in pain the whole day because the killer fairy setting... which means a demon MUST BE CLOSE TO ME TO COLLECT IT. SO I set it down to 1. The beast came back. I asked a demon if he wants it. A big muscular one appeared and he said: "sure". Then more karma beasts appeared so I threw them after the demon. Then my body started to have the symptoms of an extreme panic attack... I realized it's because I was using a remote in an other "layer" (the whole descending to intercept karma happened because the thing Clippy drew up to me and I thought maybe I could get "closer" to the karma and deal with it) and I am literally breaking it because it's not how it's supposed to work. So I asked Clippy to "restore me to defaults". Luckily it worked my body calmed down instantly and I went to sleep.

So yeah... "intercepting" karma is not the way I will do things... And I am still not understanding it completely. So you are saying the "system" is also giving me karma which is why I cannot deal with it instantly. I need to "get out" of the system then deal with it...  Most I can do (and doing currently) is to create a mini-system alongside the "system" but that will cause the same problem in the end because of chaos theory. 

> That's how you fine tune your life and find balance.
I need to take a step back and rearrange my perception of karma before I can do this. But I am getting closer for sure