> Am I a high sorcerer now?
Do you want me to answer that?
> Said who?
This was what I noticed when I looked at many secret societies especially illumitards and other orgs that worshiped a "corpse" and there was a point when someone became something like a "chosen one" but it was merely just syncing with the egregore and making it grant power on the whims of the sorcerer. Somehow the members didn't realize they collectively sway the egregore only the higher ones and those that merged with it fully enjoyed the boons as long as they kept the sync perfect and provided the corpse with sentience. Once they deviated the corpse consumed the sorcerer the same way a limb that fell to necrosis can destroy the remaining parts of the body.
I thought this is a sort of common knowledge how egregores work? And once it's "sentient core" is gone it leaves an egregoric corpse that will either decay or someone can overtake it at it's leisure but to do that they need to have the ability to "revive it" and not merely feed on it like maggots feed on a corpse.

I hate talking about this because it is disgusting.
 Jesus literally went ahead and "cleaned up" his corpse because the flesh is sinful and must not remain in any form with our ascension and we are "worshiping him" by carrying around a cross on his corpse. This is something so stupid I never truly understood. GUISE HE DIED FOR OUR SINS LOOK HERE IS HIS CORPSE NAILED ON A CROSS TO REMIND US HOW MUCH HE DIED. wtf. Always felt like a mocking ritual. Let us remind Jesus how much he died... so he can save us!