After it finished, I had an experience of being inside my own body completely, while the external world seemed not very important. My perception had changed, and I became aware of the physical functionality of the body down to the smallest details. But the images were not like x-rays or the images of bodies during autopsy, rather it adapted to human conceptions of all kinds of things. The whole thing made me giggle at the silliness of it all. I saw the bloodstream and organs as long tunnels connected to caves, where hamsters in different colours and sizes were running back and forth between them. Everything turned into these silly, funny, scary and amazing schizophrenic and surreal images. It instantly made me understand what the self proclaimed lyran starseeds were talking about when they called the universe a scary and amazing place.
With this experience, I can definitely say 
> humans are amazing
while fully meaning it, but not at all meaning it in a way a human without this experience will grasp. The scientific "amazement" expressed by people today is very dull (and probably fake) compared.