> Did you experience a change today?
I am continually experiencing changes in the past 2 years and no today wasn't too specific for me personally.

It was specific for other people that angered me because it is a long lasting past issue and I have ways to solve it I just don't know how to time it.

> back to the same hopeless level
I might have seen it this in some people but I expected the thing that happened today for quite the while. >same hopeless level
... Wish I knew anything about hopelessness. It is just a confusion of energies that can go in many ways and I don't understand how some people see "hopelessness" anymore.  But I realized this when you mentioned that uptown downtown thing. I am too "uptown" to see it because once a downtowner approaches me I either monkeywrench some use or purpose out of them or I let them go back into that despair they "desire" so much. I hate when they come back and remind me how I didn't use my wrench on their psyche tho. For some reason some parts of me think I am being "mocked" for not being able to make something from them and I somewhat blame myself for it. It's like you know there is an "extra ending" in a videogame but you got the regular ending again because you missed some obvious or super retarded cue.  I am unable to generalize hopelessness anymore. It is always a mix of issues that short circuit the minds of some people that they are not willing to break out for a multitude of reasons.

> with the correct settings.
Okay. Now I am curious. What do you consider "correct setting" here. Did you come up with it or based it on some akashic record or some other entity provided the correctness. While the word "correctness" makes me extremely suspicious in the last years... You can word it as vulgarly as you see fit because the current
> hopeless level
is such a banal retardation I am not sure it is possible to make it worse