thumbnail of Baphomet.png
thumbnail of Baphomet.png
Baphomet png
(2.04 MB, 1737x2288)
I kept seeing a black pentagram and some demon image. Thinking this was a real demon, I created a demon body and went to investigate, only to find that it was a fake cult in a large empty hall. Some wizard was outside casting Disruptive Ray but the demons in the cult HQ were animated paper cut-outs and the demon was a painting on the wall. The black pentagram was real however so I copied its energy.

Following some unrelated(?) interactions with ancient witch spirits made themselves known, I decided to look into the Baphomet figure to see if there actually is some entity behind this symbolism after all. But I found nothing, it's a symbolic image, and has a method to it, but there is no such being.

It's widely used and because some modern (fake or whatever) covens have been spamming the image I decided to use it for my own purposes with the now-classic hijacking procedure.

If you see a "Baphomet priestess" around doing rituals, you now know why.