> Telegram group
When everyone migrated to telegram after they banned Trump from twitter and other shenanigans it was quite the dick move from the left to ban telegram from the app stores until it deleted the rightwing meme channels. That app can be used only via a phone number and they are fucking with it as a power trip instead of slowly infiltrating it. Telegram quite went above my expectations in quality so far but it's hard to trust any messaging app nowadays.

> The site where the Brandon poster is mostly hanging out
I am so out of loop with the altchans in the past years and I am not even sure if I need to know more. But I am not sure how many bunkers we need. I still want glowies to cease their impotent meddling because once they manage to anger the wrong kind of shitposters with their retardation I don't know what kind of LULZ will manifest. Fighting fire with fire. They always prove they are bad at that. At least we will see the full capabilities of the AI with that. Seeing the dead internet theory in practice is something that always bothers me. Mostly because it is pointless. It leads nowhere and just wastes resources. Those people that can be manipulated via "AI" are not even people at all. Let them dig their own graves I guess.

> It's really ovyir for 4chan
We will see what happens. I am not sure it can "end" anymore. But who knows. Hiroshimoot and those that run the place were never about predictability.