thumbnail of rape train doesn't take no for an answer.gif
thumbnail of rape train doesn't take no for an answer.gif
rape train doesn't... gif
(2.82 MB, 400x263)
> I always check the poster count before I even read a thread
I usually skim it anyways. Usually you can see from the first 10 posts and the pics posted there what is the quality of the thread. The moment it is clear that it's unfunny or clearly full with "um sweety" tier shillposts and people don't even bother them calling niggersfaggotjewshills or whatever they decided to use to trigger shills then the thread is either dead on arrival or if it has an interesting info in it then I will no matter what skim in further. I don't know what they will do with the boards with ID system like pol. 
> 1pbtid 
is a clear sign of a bait thread and when someone has 30+ posts then something is clearly wrong there. Generals on hobby boards is an another thing but boards without flags and IDs are the most affected by this. Srsly I don't get it either. 

But it's still less stupid how they removed the downvote counters from youtube after Biden got into office and the only people who watched it downvoted it because only those "care" about Biden that hate him. Their actually alive voter base only cares about that it's not the orangeman and nothing else matters... But then again Hillary lost because she was Hillary and not just because Trump was such a great choice. It's unbelievable how Democrats peaked with Obama and there is no one else tailormade as a replacement there.

But the only thing that is laughable as much as the downvote removal is that you can bring it back with an extension because they either don't care or it's some high level of hyperspaghetti code unremovable. Then they use AI comments and now AI monitors if your comment is allowed to be visible for others. And let's not forget how the search engines work but we talked about that already.

The moment they kill the internet for the public it will become unusable in every sector and I don't believe they are "so above" the system they can afford it. Whatever. Let them make the people more angry.

> creates exactly that "slowly narrowing tunnel" effect the NWO love to work with
Yeah it only works if people are either incapable to turn back or too weak to force the tunnel into shape like gif related. 
My favorite is that they always get caught in their own traps. Like how Israel is incapable to deal with their own liberals and degenerates and they hate the government the most there and let's not say the damage the degenerates in the Illumicorp cause for themselves all the time. They are crashing the whole complex on their own head.

 Just realized I posted a train again. fug 

What the fuck do they plan to do with the election I wonder. They can only "win" via causing more chaos but with that they lose control of the situation. It's a lose lose scenario no matter what. The moment the people lose hope and trust in the system it's over because at that level only the already useless remains as a "workforce". And we are already seeing the effects of that.

Guess this is what it means to live in historical moments I guess. No one knows what is happening until it's over.