> Sometimes "tolerating" or "enjoying" being with degenerates infects you because you literally consented that you wish to partake in the ways of the degenerates. With that you can be considered as a degenerate and are eligible to be hunted down by anti degenerative forces. With this weird fanatics gain a free ticket to hunt you down whenever they please. Ofc without the sin belonging to you they lose the free ticket and unable not just to hurt you but even "see" you at all. Just to be able to "go down to their level" you have to engage in "sinful" practices.
admittedly i have my moments of that, back when i used to shitpost harder than i do (even then i do try to reign it in a bit now). i have had momenets of doing giga annoying and borderline vitriolic shitposting "to see what it feels like, to be human" and so on