> I need a reminder about the red and white spikes.
I'm not sure what you are talking about anymore, your way of going about this is too "zoomed in" for me to have any reference point on what you're doing aside from the direct actions themselves.
But it's no problem, this is what you need to do to make it out on the "main road" so to speak, where the things you see start being possible to talk about and compared to the situation of others. Although there is one similarity, whenever I ask my guides for directions lately, they just reply
> Keep doing what you're doing
with no further explanation. It may be that I'm in a similar place where it can't be talked of in relation to anyone else's path, more than that it's personal.
> the hellfire ring
Whatever I can share, which seems useful to others, I will share. The events leading up to their creation, however are equally personal and likely very hard to apply for anyone else right now. I've been moving my astral body around in different hellfire lakes trying to burn off different types of karma and meeting different demons in each place. There is a system to it, but I don't see it yet.