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>  a pre-planned event where society falls into 2D completely, which is hell manifested, but no one notices
The Galfed already allowed for society to sync with the 1D, which makes me wonder of this current event is the old 'lumiNATO planning. This does in some aspects correlate with the FG doctrine of "law rectification" where the "old forces" (evil gods) planned a purge according to their own thinking, which only leads to final destruction because they all just scheme and want to kill everyone but themselves.

So a planned event where they think that they themselves will stay in "3D" and control those who, through indoctrination" fell down into their perception of 2D, where they'll go to war until they are "allowed" by the 'tards to come back up again.

But in reality they are all being meta-trolled by the federation and lyrans in multiple layers.