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> I'm not sure what you are talking about anymore, your way of going about this is too "zoomed in" for me to have any reference point on what you're doing

Yeah I feared this would happen this is why I didn't post in the last days. My way of doing things as of now is getting a general idea of things and going into the midst of it while figuring out the details on the go. It was different before but this yields the highest amount of results and in the shortest of time so as of now this is the best way of doing things. More insights and more mysteries but a progress for sure.

> The events leading up to their creation, however are equally personal and likely very hard to apply for anyone else right now

Yeah my swords turned into things again. If I keep this up I will need to recreate my mental palace again to store things properly. In my teens I had a lot of fun with it but then I realized it just "takes up" mental space and I have so many things "buried" in myself that exploring it might be more fun than actually building something atop it.

> different hellfire lakes trying to burn off different types of karma and meeting different demons in each place. There is a system to it, but I don't see it yet

if you can share anything please do because I was playing with the idea of visiting hell in the last 2 weeks. The remaining karma I still have is between weird places.

 I let the Gazer play with my brain because I was bored and she suddenly touched some small dark thing. It was a plug and somewhere in my grey matter it was a full layer built like a city or a motherboard but full dark. When I ran the karma handler I got a lot of small needle like pain around that place but it seems all it did was sorta "disabling" it. The hellfire ring sorta helped with it but it's still not complete. I even have something in my back (according to the energy analyzer) which always tries to go into my lungs and gives me the effect of coughs and other lung related problems. But if I run the karma program it turns into a minor pain and the symptoms stop. 

Also collective karma is just weird. Suddenly people around me have minor illnesses that lasts for a day get bedridden and then they are better. The vehicles they use constantly break down suddenly in a way it needs a week repair. The tools they use also break in their hands more often. I mean it's affecting me a little but it affects them more. I wonder if my fast karma burning ways might affect their karmic manifestations or it's just a "coincidence".