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[Raid Inc]

Consider this more of an ad, as much for our spiritual visitors as anyone else. This is a DNA profile in Raid style made for the mineral body, to be used for the factory. 

Compared to the pure servitors, this is an "incarnation" and the mineral body was made for inner alchemy, so it's not super fast and agile as the servitors. The upside is that it's an actual form for part of your subconscious, which adds the ability of evolution.

To give an idea, the raid servitors so far only got hit ~4 times total, 3 times from a minigun in a narrow tunnel and one time when some overcharged priestess managed to stab one of them with a knife. This includes all missions of raiding NWO bases all over the world. 

When sending out the Raid Incarnated version I already got hit 3 times in the first raid (the Qi Gong defense blocks harm, but anyway, to illustrate the difference in speed when you include more awareness and it's not just a killer machine). 
After closer review, it appears the attacks hitting the Raid Inc were not regular attacks. They did "physical damage" but were actually projected magic attacks which were blocked by the physical shield. So there is as of now no indication that this Raid incarnated version is actually slower in close combat of a physical nature. The difference was caused by a more elite enemy who were using this kind of attacks. Regular glowies never used "manifested damage" attacks of this kind, so there was no data to compare with.

Another thing to mention is that this one is more tuned to use magic, there is no weapon preference, it's all Rosicrucian fire magic.

The main spells are a fire spear and a fire wall, initiated using a triangle or a pentagram.

Illustrations by Bing. It's ok but it feels like there is some artistic style it prefers and it won't listen to certain directions. By now it doesn't feel like censorship considering what was created, it just has a will of its own.