> No, I have not.
Yeah it was a mandatory reading for us in school because it is a short story that inspired most of the Russian literature. And in my country there were several writers who portrayed things in those weirdly bleak and passionately ironic style. I am not a book person because books usually trap my mind in the setting I read and I think and dream about it 0-24 so I decided to read mostly practical stuff to not waste brainspace... Luckily intellectuals are the dumbest midwits around so I don't have the desire to be "well read" that much only a minor interest that I will partake once I reach some level of NEEThood.

> the top elites are the lowest, they don't leave their "queen room" at all.
Yeah sorry you are right. What I say by "elite" is the ones that run things on "paper" those with faces and names those that will appear in newspapers and live the "Highlife" in mundane terms. Yes those who are in the "queenroom" are something else and I don't even know what they do anymore. They "mastered" this
> whispering orders to an assistant who is whispering reports back into their ear
method and while in the past it was effective because those with the largest information network and the most blindly loyal/secretive servants won nowadays thanks to the internet these things work (more chaotically) differently.
I know they are on the 
> we can always cut the powerlines if things get too bad 
mentality but currently "cutting the lines" hurts them more than anyone else (suddenly all your servants dying from starvation and the information networks becoming useless is not something they want because if that happens they have to start actually "working" instead of just puppeteering people around for show/boredom)
But I don't know. Things are going into too many directions and I can see that they had proper power till the 90s then the stage where the "trained elites" started to take power like Obama or Macron and currently we are in a weird vacuum of retardation. It's obvious that most of them is their doing but the level of coordination they have is laughable.
> demented "elites" rule the world
Maybe I should not forget the "demented" part while thinking about these things. Because when I calculate dementia into this whole scenario things make a lot more sense. For some people success is their downfall. The elites truly showed how they can only gorge on wealth and nothing truly productive beyond. But who am I kidding. Most of their doings are hidden and rotting in garages everyone already forgot about.

> This is how they cope with the fact that they will never be real vampires
Might hold some truth. But I am sure they consider themselves "higher" than vampires because all the material wealth they hoard.
> They're imitating everything, except that they don't know why they do it.
Yeah Tolkien said it quite well that Evil can only ruin and corrupt and unable to create anything new. Guess that still stands. This is why I stopped treating "evil" as sentient and realized instead of the word "evil" I have to start using the term "retarded" and figure out what causes and upholds retardation to fix things.

> actual AI bots
> they are just children 

My problem is that instead of "imitating a responsible adult" and suddenly realizing the core principles and truly understanding what they are doing they just merely "imitating"... current AI is like a child that doomscrolls through million tiktok content a day and "improves" on the feedback of other tiktok children. I am not exactly "looking down on it" because in actuality I am quite impressed how well it performs so far but I am not sure. Imitating an imitation might result in truth if it has enough resources but how much resource it needs. Like the million monkeys with a typewriter will create a masterpiece "by accident" theory but we can see in the state of the current world that more resources =/= better results