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Make sure you are able to balance yourself well while doing it and only do minor amount of physical and mental work. If possible avoid people and don't be near food that smells or your entire body might "rebel" against you. My record was merely 3 days after I got the hang of only eating every second day for a month and I heard getting past those 3 days is crucial because that is where the benefits start manifesting (But I only read that later)
I lost 30 kgs and most of them were my muscles. I do too many physical work so after my fast practice I had to go and retake all of it because it depletes your mental and physical capacities otherwise.

Nowadays I have to watch over because not eating takes away my grounding and I go insane from the energy overload. If I lived as a hermit I could pull it off but for the current mundane madness we have around I cannot afford it. But my foundation is better than it was in the past so I will try it when I feel stable enough to pull it off again.

But I guess by "prolonged" you mean for like a week or more and no I don't have enough leisure time to do it yet. It truly clears your lower thoughts and degenerated animalistic energies/thoughts and helps you reattain a level of self control if done right but you need a steady mind and life to pull it off.

> Did you see any benefit from it?
I am not sure what I consider a benefit here. Losing my muscles was not fun and I noticed that people had less amount of "respect" towards me because apparently I looked like a "wretch" while doing it and I had a higher level of stress and tiredness while doing it. Still recommend it tho. Great way to see some parts of your mentality showing itself while you go through it. You learn about yourself with that. Nowadays "real starvation" is a foreign concept while in the past it was quite common. Makes us ignorant some parts of ourselves if we don't do it sometimes. I remember mentioning to someone how I did this and she asked
> Why did you do it did you run out of money
I realized it is inconceivable for mundanes that some people willingly starve or "fast" nowadays. If it's not religiously commanded then why do it. Ridiculous. Also I drank water. I was not ready for a dryfast. You need a truly balanced mind for that because you have to help your body maintain your metabolism instead of burdening it with the storm of thoughts the modern human lives with nowadays.
Also get ready that your immune system becomes far weaker and you become prone to illnesses. So make sure only fast when you are the healthiest

Hope someone more experienced can answer you because mere 3 days is still within the "pleb" territory if I go by the "fast" that spiritualists like so much