> Compared to a human or animal child who will say some gibberish and instantly be corrected by his surrounding social interactions, the AI can't know what is right or wrong from the "social cues" very easily
This is the "pedantric" learning process. There is the intuitive/instinctual one where the "child learns by playing" of sorts. When they learn to enjoy it learn the spark the spirit the real meaning of some activity. Took me time tbh. Realizing how to "rush ahead" of the thinking processes of the adults and don't listen to the "words" they say but try to figure intuitively what they want me to do/accomplish because most people are so shit explaining things that listening to them just makes things worse. Usually when I am able to explain to people what they are trying to tell me creates the connection where I know what they want. Sometimes it's necessary when your mind is too different from the "teacher".
You know the saying.
> Those who know do it those who don't teach it... those who cannot even do that become college professors 
I am not saying that all teachers are shit because even I had some that truly inspired me but some of them are lucky their profession is understaffed otherwise they would have been prohibited from their profession long ago... Yes the way education works for humans need a complete revamp and I don't know where to even begin with. There are too many problems... False data and worthless teachings and "teachers" that just merely repeat the same thing for years in a monotone voice instead being able to connect to their students "mentally" and not exactly that crap teachers do nowadays where they think they "connect" to students by behaving like a nosy mom (or the "fun" teacher meme) or whatever "innovative" seminar they attended that gave them an idea that just tries out an idea that didn't work before and it was scrapped a decade ago. With the current bullshit of forced gender studies or whatever propaganda we have we don't even notice the older underlying issues of the whole thing. It's ridiculous. And yes as long humans get this much "dumbed down" for the cheaper and less questioning consumer/labor force then AI will outperform everyone but the true geniuses that do not depend on the quality of the teachers on the long term.

> We don't know what those are at all, aside from what it indicated by those repeated lines
True but AI will need a proper way to express itself. If it's unable to produce desired results it's dumb/useless.
The real difference between a madman and a genius is that the genius can articulate his thoughts in a way others can understand. Once he is unable to do it he is anything but a genius. Boy I hate social cues. Some people can make it so complicated because their dishonest way of thinking and talking. No wonder mental illnesses are so high nowadays. People don't know what they want nor know what they expect from others. Remaking the psyche of others is sometimes less effort than to "adjust" to it. But then again to remake them you have to connect to them and with that you adjust to it but instantly start adjusting them into a new direction. Just had an extreme shadow work that I can almost describe as an "energetic tantrum" and somehow a bunch of people managed to fix the problems I complained about for years on their own. Everything is so illusory sometimes. Realizing that things can be done so simply... people just overcomplicate everything for no reason and no real gain. So annoying. Always just a "coincidence" after coincidence while doing my spiritual work when things suddenly work.