> Was that the vids with the children using webcams?
It was that, and basically the same things which are now on Instagram, Tiktok and Likee Some people meme-call it Pedogram. Before they learned machine image recognition on Youtube supposedly there were a lot of nude stripping as well, but no one saw it unless they got into that narrow recommendations alley.

> This why when gpt3 and gpt4 started getting released even though the models improved,a lot of them had this"gpt like" quality to them like for example hammering on about morality
But that's not a language model doing that, that's the AI program. If a an intelligent agent always talks about morality in places where it's "forced", it's been artificially made that way. The data is just a reference table.

I don't know if I got this right or how they would have done that, but supposedly Neuro-Sama was trained on Anny The Fox, which is the reason she calls her "mum" and saying things like "I ate and killed my mum", which means she ate the data of how she speaks.

If you train a neural network it will adapt to the concepts inserted, which means if it turns overall moral, it's in the data, so that would mean if GTP was trained on "the internet", then the internet itself is that way.