The application of the vajra materia is infinite. I don't even consider myself apt enough to talk about it yet

> Why does it do these perfectly on first try, but anything else looks like a mental patient made it
I am sure it had enough child model photos to train on. It doesn't really have the need to get "creative" or use too much data at once when the prompts are easy to follow
> anything else looks like a mental patient made
Mental patients are just unable to assess and process the information properly that their mind is undertaking. I am sure this is the current lesson of the AI too. Mental patients are still being treated via being lobotomized by meds instead of a proper "cure". But only those can understand those people who went through similar struggles and not "educated people" who just managed to memorize obsolete theories and apply it as truth then brand everyone else as insane. I fear a civilizational collapse might come sooner than an increase in the understanding of mental sciences... but then again I too am on a side that tries to increase the "higher mental bandwidth" on the collective conscious and I am expecting results. Branding everything as pseudoscience will be as useful as calling others racist or antisemitic if this keeps up. Maybe civilizational collapse is not the right word. Maybe mainstream thinking collapse. And no not paradigm shift because a collapse is needed first. They shift the minds of people too much and that mentality needs to stop. Otherwise a proper baseline thinking the groundwork of human psyche has no way of properly developing if things constantly shift like dry leaves in the wind. 

> whose task is to balance the population within your field of influence over time
Does it have eugenic preferences too or just quantity/living space or sustainability. Does it have an "overall quality" setting or is it able to select for desired evolutional traits.

Tried to ask for the blueprints and got the answer
< your mind is not suitable for this thing
Fine will tune myself later then.