> Does it have eugenic preferences too or just quantity/living space or sustainability. Does it have an "overall quality" setting or is it able to select for desired evolutional traits.
It is personally adaptable by treating the user as an algorithm, and balances the DNA in such a way that it can't conflict with other users of the same form. Then it uses a method as if washing sand in a bowl by shaking it (an AI method, but historically it's just math and procedure of the djinn type of thinking). The end result will be to find a personalized structure which syncs with the galactic federation "soviet" faction (the technology standard which is the reason Russia can now import shells from North Korea, while NATO countries all deliver incompatible systems with different kinds of standards), and balances the heaviest part of the mind so that the karmic connection of "dominant male vs dominant female" is washed down to a place where it does zero harm. Then virtue is built up from there through a process which is partly described by Freud, in which balance first is reached through a "allowed homosexuality", (that is lesbian connection within the brain halves), then moving to the mother-son connection and settles on the balanced subordinate male-subordinate female, after passing dominant male - subordinate female. These are talking about the energy system of the brain, which is then multiplied through the body. Then it's projected outward in the process where a person is perfect at first, then starts building up reliance on their surroundings, where tasks are slowly bit by bit outsourced to other people which results in specialization and professions. Then the population grows and may be unbalanced.

This is where the balancing comes back in, to redo the process from the beginning to make sure all parts are properly connected, and excess population categories are removed.