> Sometimes, hexes or spells need to be announced in some way for proper function 
I have been thinking on this.

It has been my mode of operation to never talk about spells until they've fully manifested. Part of this is the worry that I had when I first started this that making a suggestion to someone would make the spell less 'real' since it would then 'just be suggestion' and not magic. 

I'm thinking that this may be causing some issues though. One major issue with my work that I've encountered a lot is a lack of precision. For example, in the past I used to practice hexing by targeting CEOs a lot. But these workings would almost always manifest as trouble for the corporation that they work for rather than the person themselves. 

I think you need to 'touch' someone in order to effect them. And speech is one way to do this. If you've not touched a thing there's no way to expect that you're going to change that thing. But of course, if something touches you, you also touch it. Which is why a corporation that has a concrete and measurable effect on your existence would be moved by such a spell. But some random CEO whose only connection to you is inert information from a google search would not be influenced very much at all. Even if there's some causal relationship between the idea of the person and the idea of the corporation, the wire is just to thin to transmit the full meaning of that impulse. 

So, I think I need to experiment more with 'packing' energy or meaning into words. Or maybe into the idea of the discourse that it opened which connects two people, or two things, or two concepts. Establishing an actual temporal connection will likely improve precision in the temporal sphere, rather than just working purely off of feel in the astral.