> One major issue with my work that I've encountered a lot is a lack of precision. For example, in the past I used to practice hexing by targeting CEOs a lot. But these workings would almost always manifest as trouble for the corporation that they work for rather than the person themselves.
Yeah you know what, I can't do precision with spell-casting at all. And I know that, so I don't try to. If a person is hiding in an organization, I just wreck the organization. The other option relies on my past life skills in literal "surgical" murder, so I don't know how to teach someone that part. I can project the "Ripper knife" as a physical object anywhere on the planet as well as in space, and it works just fine. So if there was a CEO somewhere I wanted gone, I could just cut his throat in an instant and he'd die. Physically he'd seem to have inner bleeding, but the effect would be there just the same. The reason I started making servitors was to give them to other people and to make mass control easier. I already used Gong directly to bolster up several frontlines before, like in Syria. It was just that Ukraine was such a mess and I felt a need to automate it and "record the method" in a replicable way, which is why I made the first Tanya Frontline servitor which contains the knowledge for how to build what is now called the Suruvikin line.

There was also the thought behind this to create the "elite mage loli army" so I started making all these servitors in an easy to understand doll style which is suited for girls to use with no explanation. You can have brainwashed useful CIA idiots who do only RV and practice for years to be able to look at some detail, and then employ compartmentalized units of these tards by the 1000s, then do the same for those who do only one specific form of psi attack, and so on. Or you can pick out a few hyper tuned girls, very young who don't know anything, but they have natural abilities. And you give them a doll who knows how to possess people and build WW1 style frontlines. Then you have them do an astral visit to the drow for initiation for immortality, let them do the "sacrifice of 10 000 enemies" ritual for super intelligence, and in a week you have a force that can stabilize the entire front. And no one can figure out how the fuck that happened.

To automate the knife usage I simply made a copy of the Ripper knife and let a doll hold it, and that's Raid. No need to do targeted spells, I can just send the Raid at them.

Further on, we are at the "incarnate part of yourself in a form" and do twice the work in the same time. It's all about just using what works instead of having silly moralistic ideas. Even if the glowies are very immoral, they are intentionally immoral. They haven't just ignored morality, so they're still restricted by it. For example they think demon rituals work because they are "immoral" in a religious sense, when in reality those are human rules that have no effect at all outside this 3D world, and breaking them has no effect either.