> It has been my mode of operation to never talk about spells until they've fully manifested. Part of this is the worry that I had when I first started this that making a suggestion to someone would make the spell less 'real' since it would then 'just be suggestion' and not magic.
I feel like this is a flawed idea of "orthodoxy" which is holding you back. I've had these too, like only wanting to accept certain tools or things in society because they're "fake" after a certain development. There are situations where I just can't not do this though. Like with modern phones you're supposed to be a sheep walking into the trap and just accept that you can't control the technology. This is just not going to happen, I still think in terms of DOS and Win95. I will not stop relating everything back to those systems because they were and are still perfect. It annoys me a lot that I can't run new computers in pure DOS anymore and that they've included but hidden essential programs like Notepad. I use Notepad all the time, it's a tool I just can't work without, and in Win10 they hadn't even associated txt files with it per default!

In these cases it's just because of usefulness. Text files are perfect because they store things exactly as they are, in an easy available format. Links, bits of code, random thoughts I need to remember. Part of websites I want to read later. It all goes into text files. The boomark systems in web browsers are impossible to navigate when you have several 100 of them, the only way to reach them is to start typing the URL and pick it from suggestions. But if you neatly order your URLs in text files and put them in the folder together with the material which the link is for, you know where to find it.

However, if you are only using it because it's something white people do then you're off course and probably restricting yourself.