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> why this has a thrill comes from the balance of them both being girls, which makes them both submissive.
Yeah the both of them were bottoms meme comes to mind. 

For me it wasn't a problem because I found how male female parts choose dominance already so I never felt the need to "lesbianize" my female parts. If they are submissive already why make more connections... this was until I found multiple energy channels loading into the brain and that made the energy dynamics completely different and what is and isn't "submissive" has no real meaning when the energy dynamics changed completely. Not to mention if one of the parties are dependent on the other real dominance is out of the question. If dependency arises then the "submissive" can become a "powerbottom" or must become one to explain to the dominant one how the dependency works. Once the dominant one loses direction this whole dynamic falls apart. This is why I dislike this "slaveplay" methodology because once every part reaches it's full potential it is more of a "formality" or even worse a delusion that limits some parts to become their best version. But yes at the start you have to understand the powerdynamics and I cannot say either that I didn't use it by myself without realizing. Tho for me it was more chaotic because I don't believe in dominance I believe in results. So whichever part makes results deserves the "glory" therefore their "dominance".  Also I have a sort of "eternally defiant" mentality so one I see someone who is truly dominant I have an urge to challenge them to see their true might. A weird habit. Kinda mellowed through the ages as my soul journey went on. But it's still there. For me it is a sort of "desire for someone who is worth following/worth learning from. And for that I need to see their worth. Ofc life is not a battle shounen so it doesn't always apply. Things are not always that simple and I am unable to "spar" with people. If I like them I want to befriend them in a way and if I dislike them I have to find out if it's one of my misjudgement or they deserve my hate. 

> You have a hint in the thread OP of the relax thread.
Yeah uhm that pairing is quite a yuri staple. First I thought it might be Citrus... kinda got bored of that after after 2 eps. 

I have way too many yuri backlog already. I keep them for days when I have nothing interesting going on and I want to watch something simple. Way too simple. I call them "ice cream anime(s)". Anime that is best enjoyed on a hot day with ice cream. It's more of a treat than an experience.