Stupid fuckers still attempting psychic attacks. They really are viruses. The only way to deal with these people is biological destruction of their DNA strand, they can't "learn" anything. If they can be stupid they will be, until they are physically unable to. That's all there is to it.

> if we all attack at once, one of us will get a critical hit
is what they always say, and they gather a huge number to achieve this, completely disregarding that every single group who challenged me before used the exact same tactic and were utterly destroyed. 

> oh but we are different
No you aren't. You're exactly the same as everyone else, viruses with no self preservation ability whom I will send to hell for millions of years or sell as slaves to federation mining operations. You will suffer for almost an eternity and you will never learn anything in the process because "you are special".

Imagine being this stupid of a being. Even worse that some of them actually have human bodies and will read this. Yes I'm talking to you, I will kill you just the same no matter what you do, so do come at me and see, glowfags.

And no, you won't
> retake the narrative
with some special maneuver because I reprogrammed the NPCs which you spent over a 100 years to bring to that state, you can't reverse the change or you would have done it that fast the first time around already.

There is nothing you can do, except die horribly, unless you surrender, but you are too stupid to understand this. The whole point of posting this here is to trigger you so your energy gets more toxic, it turns you into better burned sacrifices when my priestess throws you on the fire.