Channelled Genso reply:

The white fungus DNA racial egregore was burned up in full, it covered 86% of the human genome. Whatever you internalized in your soul was not removed. 86% sounds like a lot, and it was, consider that for example Russia makes up only 3.5% of the world population, and China around 20%. Asia had the least of the white fungus aside from Africa, because there is a strong vampire bloodline, although diluted, while Africa is orc, Russia is a combination of orc and vampire. Both of these are very resilient to the negative effects of degeneration as they are reverting rather than degenerating. Whatever white fungus are in these populations will simple become irrelevant as it degrades, while in mainland Europe you would find almost 100% white fungus DNA of a very degenerated kind - this is how the "gay capital of the world" aka the Globohomo was created there. Demon and reptilian races are small enough to make no impact, aside from the fact that reptilians do not interbreed with other races except the occasional demon, but this is extremely rare.

To answer directly, if you have white fungus DNA it is original white fungus which you cultivated internally and it's not the racial egregore externally, which has been burned. Several white fungus Queens remain on space stations but they are not allowed entry on new Earth as their offspring would do what is their modus operandi, to spread with cancerous speed to gain a foothold and consume resources. The purpose of this is the same as for any of the Queen alien races: to send out "spores" (men) who gain experience and then return to the mother to create a new immortal using the altered DNA they acquired through many years of hardship. They create men simply for them to suffer and create new mutations, in common speak, this is how the Queen races multiply, they send out drones in large numbers, and when they manage to birth another being, they leave. They are perhaps one of the most predatorial life forms because of this, but it's allowed because they indirectly also create low level human races which spirits can make use of. We will not have them on new Earth because we created our own race.