> I get that its likely self explanatory but could elaborate a bit? 
Where to even start. Remember that fat blob you had to battle? If you failed at that then you would have been tossed in an extremely disgusting hell. 
There are pathways currents that spirits operate by and carry souls along. Those are nowadays clogged. Back in the past people had ways working with spirits then christianity made it into Jesus worship but the holy spirit and Jesus still opened a narrow gate to carry along if you truly dedicated yourself to it. Nowadays (or in the past 200 centuries) very few people take it seriously. Which made that already narrow way for souls even more narrow. Many souls do not manage to break out from their burden from their debris. The fires of "reincarnation" are supposed to explode and burn all your "past" as much as they can and propel you into a next life. That is the "purgatory" experience. You can also be grabbed by some hell realms for purification but their methods are not really "kind" for the shittiest scum of earth. The way BO talks about them kinda reflects it but even his ways are "too kind" for these people. Then as BO mentioned where "sinners" become rocks. They have so minor spirit their body is so rotten it is unable to "ignite" anymore. They create a small "shell" and remain there until someone frees them. And because they do not have any light any flame to burn the trash that is entrapping them they just let the trash pile up and the next souls will have to fight even more trash to go through. Ofc if you know how to burn this trash you can capitalize on several things. Burning frees energy and souls and granting the souls a release grants even more energy and with that you can unclog and reawaken currents or "leylines". BO is targeting the fucks that proliferate this "degeneracy" for extremely delusional and minor benefits while I am trying to retain the energies the world needs to function because if I explode the wrong way I don't know what will happen. You see it is important to know what burns how and what kind of energies you release with it. Putting a too large chunk of wood on a small flame snuffs it out therefore you need to understand how the flame burns rises and melts it's surroundings in a way you don't get burned because there is a difference in "becoming the flame" and by "being burned by the flame". You might say it's the same but Ash sooth charcoal appears during something being burned by the flame while becoming the flame is a method of understanding TRUE ENERGY. Even Heraclitus had that "Everything is fire" idea. It is more complicated but yes it has truth. What I want is a sort of energetic purification and retain the efficiency of the natural way of things. But it's real nuanced and hard to put into words. This is why I post less nowadays. These things take hours to word and halfway in I realize I need to meditate on it more before posting it.
Imagine the spirit world as a well functioning high trust first world utopia. Then get rid of the people and replace them with degenerated 3rd worlders. Now everything is full with trash shit and piss. Did the previous people not have trash and poop? They had! But they knew how to use the infrastructure and the toilet to not run down the whole place. Looking at the current abandoned colonies gives you the idea how some of the "spirit dimensions" look like nowadays. There is a point where there is such a high amount of trash even malevolent entities leave that place. Once you halfway clear it out they reappear that is why you have to be through so you don't create more resource for your possible adversaries. This is why cleansing with a flame that burns and nurtures the right forces is important. Also forget the fire you see from burning wood. That fire element is different. There are many fire elements out there. Maybe this shouldn't be even called fire anymore.