
> admittedly this did kind of spook me initially because the way you guys worded made me think you guys were going to some super extreme
Nah it's quite the business as usual for us at this stage. Turns out both of us had past experience with these kind of things it's just takes time to awaken to this truth. The reincarnation amnesia is quite the bother. But at least it safeguards you from misusing things you are not ready for yet.
> just kinda accepted this as a whole "things that have to come to pass"
Yeah don't worry not even I am sure how things will play out exactly. I just have several guarantees if I let things play out I will be unbothered on my path so I can focus on my own development because some things will be taken care of. Evil have a tendency of devouring itself out of panic. It always does that. Takes quite the nuance to not make your enemies stronger by fighting them. But yes things have to come to pass. Everything changes. Those who cannot see it will have the rudest awakening.
> could elaborate a bit
And yes this was still "a bit" sized elaboration and quite the oversimplification in several parts.