thumbnail of the saint was crucified.jpg
thumbnail of the saint was crucified.jpg
the saint was... jpg
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I think this goes here too.

Had a brief dream scene appear early morning where I saw a "large situation", something covering the world, a social system of some kind. Behind it appeared the face of a man, smartly dressed with black hair combed to the side. He gave off the feeling of being "satan" as represented in movies. Elegant but deceptive, and present everywhere.

During the day I had the radio on, a programme talking about religion came on. I had heard part of this before but this time it was from the beginning so I listened more carefully. It was a topic I had thought of myself: how churches today are trying to attract new members by holding yoga sessions and things which are not a part of christianity. It had people talk about how this was
> another way to christ
while others said they had gone to church and indian music was played while people were chanting "Shiva", which obviously is not about christianity anymore.
I started noticing the energy behind the people making excuses for the mixing of religions. They all had some white, slippery thing twisting their thinking, and they were all lying. Either to the interviewer or to themselves.

Following this, a part of me reacted. It's an avatar which had been forming with no active intent from me, a layer or aspect. This part of me suddenly lashed out at the source of this slippery energy and I watched as things developed at a speed beyond my surface thinking.


I will leave explicit details out, as talking of them serve no purpose here.
The result of this all was that my understanding of what christianity is changed completely. Something I had felt, was articulated and things now make sense.
At age 5 I had an experience during easter, and after this I felt that I knew what christianity was about. Somehow, in the past year I looked at what I had created at that time and found it to match Rumia.
There was also a feeling of darkness I couldn't beat, it appeared as I got older and by 12 I no longer believed in christianity at all. I felt it was a hopeless belief with no future. For a long time I didn't know why that was.

I should probably leave out any further details here again, and if someone is interested I can elaborate. It seems that the "christ" concept itself is the issue and the man I saw in the scene was the "anti-christ".