> can you please elaborate a little so I can make sure what forces just happened to be part of this thing?
It was an energetic reading kind of image, showing the total collapse of toxic humans into shit talking and spy activity of the worst totalitarian kind, which desecrated the previously perfect society to something just horrible. Not even infernal (infernal dimensions can be pretty nice). Think about workplaces being complete shithole basic heavy industry and there are political spies overseeing every process of production to make sure no one disrespects the current thing issued by the government by throwing trash with their right hand on a left hand trash day. That kind of thing.

> Why would people want to rebel? 
Because the society they are creating is totalitarian dictatorship for a handful few to violate billions, for no other reason than their own hedonism as materialists.

There was an article released recently leaving a hint, as they are forced to do, playing the public by the
> we told you and you didn't rebel so you consented
where they mentioned someone living on the bottom of the sea for 90 days and his aging started reversing at a brain chemistry level.

This is the reason for living in DUMBs (deep underground military bases), if they stay at the lowest point of gravity they can almost stop aging and live like degenerates for-almost-ever. So what they wanted to do here was:

Moloch sun created and ignited in WW1
Create massive control system (internet, smartphones, 5G)
Vaxx everyone so the 5G works better
Then for the final event now: bring society dimensionally down below 2D, after building "the pizza", same thing as Midgar in FF7, the platform the elites rule from, in 2D. Then once society is dimensionally at 1D it cannot be changed. Then they'd gather all remaining trash energy (karma) and send it into space, ignite it and also destroy, literally, the 3D layer of the Earth, so that humans cannot move up there, which not just "cements" the form of society, but simply makes changes impossible because there is no dimension to change things in. This final event ends with all that material becoming an "earth level super nova" and the moloch sun is also consumed, the trash then burns at a very large distance from the non existing Earth, and the light appears to be the same sun as before because of the distance and the "hole" down to 2D which is shines through. Then humans will be abused by the elites forever.

Why would they rebel, indeed.