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> cucked out of seeing the eclipse because of the state i live in

sorry for taking so long to reply, i kinda needed a break and some other things irl were happening so i couldnt focus

> If you failed at that then you would have been tossed in an extremely disgusting hell.
There are pathways currents that spirits operate by and carry souls along. Those are nowadays clogged. Back in the past people had ways working with spirits then christianity made it into Jesus worship but the holy spirit and Jesus still opened a narrow gate to carry along if you truly dedicated yourself to it. Nowadays (or in the past 200 centuries) very few people take it seriously. Which made that already narrow way for souls even more narrow. Many souls do not manage to break out from their burden from their debris. The fires of "reincarnation" are supposed to explode and burn all your "past" as much as they can and propel you into a next life. That is the "purgatory" experience. You can also be grabbed by some hell realms for purification but their methods are not really "kind" for the shittiest scum of earth. The way BO talks about them kinda reflects it but even his ways are "too kind" for these people. Then as BO mentioned where "sinners" become rocks. They have so minor spirit their body is so rotten it is unable to "ignite" anymore. They create a small "shell" and remain there until someone frees them. And because they do not have any light any flame to burn the trash that is entrapping them they just let the trash pile up and the next souls will have to fight even more trash to go through. Ofc if you know how to burn this trash you can capitalize on several things. Burning frees energy and souls and granting the souls a release grants even more energy and with that you can unclog and reawaken currents or "leylines". BO is targeting the fucks that proliferate this "degeneracy" 

jesus christ, what the fuck? they already had faith in me killing that disgusting maggot but jeez, i wasnt expecting that to have some much weight (lmao) behind it. that reminds me, someone tried to burn me alive somewhere and the person literally shat themselves because i tanked(?) it and just came to punch them while i was burning. very weird

> Goying means paying for gacha pulls or something? I know whaling means if you waste too much money on it because you can afford it and goying means you are somewhat poor and waste money?
yeah, though the correct term in my case would be swiping which i dont do that often to begin with. I'm just too used to people using "goy" for everything now. kinda annoyed at that but eh whatever 

> Yeah that "feeling" is quite close to your "real home". Not exactly a "black hole" because the reality you reside currently is more akin to a "white hole" appearing in your home realm that sucked you into this existence so what you need is not exactly a black hole but a sort of "light hole" that is not exactly "shiny" but a different darkish hue. The purple is close but as I said you live after the "Great Beyond" which means there will be quite the perspective changes while you reach that place but yes. The place you are at are closer to what you are looking for. They will grant you guidance I am sure of it.
ahh i see

outside of some weird updates, i recall being around some overweight superman/omniman/whatever with long hair though thats probably just me being autistic about my weight loss again and nothing else