> Consider it a way to express an already existing need to shock people as they doze off into prudeness
Okay I like this idea but you always consider it when there is a "clear" notion that you are overdoing things and I am wondering if it's your own energies or you are feeling it from the "air".
 Also the fact that I realized that the dude is not a dude in a suit but a furry prolly demon then COINCIDENTALLY on fringe someone just happened to ask about jos is not even surprising me anymore. Especially after the energy overload that went through the sites 2 days ago. This was one of my reason to start going to other altchans so not rape poor endchan server with my Shaivist technomancer webhelper energies. And now I am aware that entities advanced where they can literally dialing through the internet and connecting realms. Good thing I am past the EVERYTHING A SIMULATION concept because otherwise I would be mildly bothered. 

> I also just like to post actual art now and then
Yeah but it was not touhou not yuuka and off from the theme you are setting up...
Which resulted in us talking about booru porn instead of talking further about the weird phenomenon of the "Yuuka line". Was wondering how intentional it was. Or merely the effect of the energies around us.

> Anime art is more like idealism, and that's not really art, those are illustrations or propaganda.
You are not wrong but it's still not nice to acknowledge that.

> spoilers "worked" when they weren't meant to, while when they are meant to, then don't.
Yeah I too forget if I have to click all boxes or just the main box or at the pics only.
 Also end chan only dies if I get angry at some shit. Yesterday my whole internet died because of the energy overload was still going on