Regardless of any eclipse it seems in 10 years society will collapse for real this time.Reason?kids raised by millenials entering the workforce.i hate the generation crap but this time it's really legit.What they say happened:rising costs,inflation can't raise kids because of it Yada Yada. What I'm pretty sure actually happened, young millennials are the first people already addicted to phones/ipads/internet when their children are born. This completely wrecks the parents brain in a way modern people don't understand the degree of. People used to raise kids when they had 6 people living in 1 room.there wasn't a lot to do but interact with your immediate family so they did. But now they can't cause their entire brain chemistry isnt able to care.They can't not make their kids dependent as they already are and having to spend time with the kids and talking to them takes away from that time. In a real sense the addiction is stronger than parental instincts. This is basically unseen in the sense that it's like an entire generation being raised by what are functionally neglectful addicts. Of course all generations are the same its just that gen-x and boomers got addicted later in their life after they already had kids.Gen alpha might possibly actually not be able minded in a large enough degree to do anything.