That is true but I want a great push in reforming education anyways so I am not exactly hopeless because as I said things need to get worse in some cases because at that level the problems cannot be ignored anymore. My country is doing them but they are still not on a level where I want 3 kids in their care (yet).

> b) earthlings (us) have already gone beyond the 2025 events because we work actively, those are the lazy NWO do nothing at all until it's too late-version of timelines
Am glad we are appreciated. Only a totally coincidental and certainly not predetermined events had to happen.  Ever since I know how fate weavers operate I am not even sure if there is a point "questioning" anything anymore. Sure whatever dude. I just happen to have the genetics of the mastermind of electronics and consciousness just happened to connect to Shiva while thinking about the CERN statue just happened to find a board with agricultural themed touhous show up after I got way too interested in touhou in the prior years and just happened to use the vampire path since it appeared on fringe which coincidentally resonated with the progression of my past lives more than any other occult paths. Darn this free will and chaos is truly great. 

As long we don't have bots am okay.
> Stupid idiot psiop teams I can eat for breakfast
they don't even dare to do that anymore lol. I mean I know I am in an openly racist antiglobohomo antiEU antifaggotry antiwhateverunholyshittheyspew and they poured all their resources for obtaining Poland and IT JUST HAPPENED that Slovakia just became an another antiglobohomo country while it looked like they are on a verge on absolute submission like they always were. TEEHEE. Mere coincidences faggots.
But these are minor things. Not even a bleep on the big picture. These are not the chips I am betting my future. Some cards are still under the table.

> for solar eclipse harnessing
Yeah I have enough of these energies already and let's not talk about how much I have from the other "materials" pls.