Had a "rivalry" with a local boy when I was 12 onwards, I wrote a novel to mock him, he countered by filling three entire notebooks about me. We then had a running "cheat" in school where we sat at desks in last row middle next to each other, and on tests we leaned slightly away from each other at intervals, allowing the other to see our answers, because we knew we would have them right most of the time. If our answers weren't the same, one of us was wrong and would then instantly realize it, because it didn't usually happen that one of us was sure of an answer that was incorrect.
We would copy each other's style of dressing, but I mocked his hair. I made a clay figure of him to mock him. Things went on like this.

I only very recently, like last 5 years realized that this was a contest for the Anti-Christ position where you get an office and support from them. It doesn't matter if you are aware of it or not. They were set for him, but I eventually hexed his workplace, a neighbouring commune so their economy went to shit, which got blamed on him because he was the chief economist at the local government office. I then ran into him once at random and talked briefly with him, and he didn't mention his work at all, later I saw in the paper that he quit. It was after this I was recognized as the "winner" and got my own office with them.