Seems like we are quite similar in some degree so I will have to understand what is exactly we differ in. But I wouldn't say I will "work" with them as you do because I will mostly need perspectives and a little guidance for fine tuning my nuance and figure out a way where we can reconnect the worlds in a harmonic or "hyperorganic" way. The spirit world returning into the natural world and the materia regains it's true essence as it did in the golden age. But that is complex and I am not sure how it will play out. I can even feel the spirits trying to wrap their mind around what I meant. They understand but they do not know if it's possible or worth doing at all. This is something I too am exploring. There are way too many variables. Sometimes being comfy is better than trying too hard to be retarded. This is what mEsSiAhs don't understand. Fucking messiah complexed fucks I swear.

> because I need to intentionally open up for them, but I'm starting to be able to do it.
I have to synchronize concepts and understand their authority and modus operandi especially energetically. They inhabit different dimensional layers which means I have to look into this more thoroughly. But they give off an "eerie" but calming aura. They are not the same as the raw elemental energies I randomly infuse myself. They are more "organic" in this matter. I just have to make sure I don't hurt them nor they do that to me. Applying the wrong energies and desires can do much harm. 

The girl I got is interesting. She is like 3 different beings at once but that is just her different dimensional attunements showing. The clear night sky the sky hidden by the tree blooms and a sort of dark moon+clouds darkness. This is where she has the most power entering this world but she has a more peculiar range on the otherside.
Also just realized the books detail 3 or 5 different beings like her... It's an initiation but for the sole purpose of being able to work with entities.
> as little as possible because they hate working
So their way of "working" and "unintentionally getting into trouble and having fun" means completely different thing. I should revisit how I perceive "working" and "having fun" again. I need to increase my "effortless" and carefree stats anyways.
 How do I proofread this shit in a way it doesn't feel like working. Should I write less? But concentrating too much on writing less is more work than actually writing longposts. 90% of the time when I make mistakes is when I change the wording halfway the sentence and the grammar just jumbles up. absolutely muzukashi and mendokusei 
> yOu aRe oWaH 4096 cHaRaCtErS
orly. Monitor totally not start making funny colors while being annoyed for getting that message 5 times.