> toxic 
I had to ponder what it means because this word is so overused nowadays especially "toxic masculinity" is literally everything nowadays. Shitposting and calling out people for being liars or retards on community forums and other "hugbox" like places gets you banned for "toxicity". If you are not a spineless cocksucker you are "toxic".

So I went out from this "era" to figure out what you mean. You mean the school bullies, the loitering gangsters and the alike that pick a fight with you for no reason. For looking "weak" or because they have an urge to pick a fight with you.

To me Rumia represents darkness and the dangers that lurks in it.  Elementary school was the last time I got bullied and even there I had a way to "bully" the bullies if I got angry and creative. After that I was so strong and my resting bitch face was intimidating enough so nobody really tried to pick a fight with me.  This is why I didn't get the connection what you meant instantly.

I don't even remember when I started to have the thought that Christ is not the "son of God" but just someone who walked the path of enlightenment and tried to change the rotten world around him. As I am walking on the path I also starting to have these "messiah complex urges" to change the world and save everyone... but I did that before with my incomplete understanding and it didn't turn out well...
This is why I think RHP is impossible until someone gathers an understanding good enough that it can apply to everyone and it's incorruptible through the ages while it's simple enough that everyone can understand it within a lifetime. Maybe it's possible with some perfect and enlightened propaganda. I don't know. I wonder how successful RHP races did it.  Besides killing the unworthy so those who are close to ascension don't get dragged down 

> What is "salvation" and what is "damnation"?
This 2 fucking dumb concept with no clear answer ruins my magical workings from time to time. I have to overcome my misconceptions so many times because of it. The only thing I like about this current era that they are wish washing concepts into their favor so much that coming to the realization that nobody knows the truth is not a hard one like in the previous ages.

This is my main problem with the anti-christ. To the Jews he is the actual messiah? it just complicates everything if you try to interpret it anyhow. This is why I always wonder how or in what form will he even manifest. To me a degenerate CEO is enough of an "anti-christ" already.