> I wonder how successful RHP races did it.
Lyrans created the most totalitarian AI ever and had everyone move their souls into a cybernetic nanobot existence where chance itself is being emulated to avoid uncontrolled chaos.
Elves created a tradition based on wife-sharing where all non-marriage material women are sent away to fend for themselves.
The skinwalkers (nomor) applied work breakdown structure methods to all aspects of life until chaos itself could be predicted.

Successful RHP seems to rely on having no taboos, shame or privacy, reducing life back to only genetics and what culture can serve its preservation.
I don't think humans can do this, it's a futile attempt. Humans are by nature LHP and can only accept the RPH on an individual level, turning it into a LHP choice.

What I'm trying to explain is how "christ" and "anti-christ" are like a chaotic breakdown and a containing force trying to mitigate it. The sacrificial nature of christ will inevitably lead to provocations. It will lead to activism, a pro-war stance. If the world is peaceful, if it indeed was RPH, then no one will kill the martyrs, and there can be no christ. They have to create wars, conflicts and social disorder, that's their means of survival. They can not practice self sacrifice by suicide as their doctrine forbids it. This is why the anti-christ exists. It's the true pacifism, which will not tolerate provocations for the purpose of creating martyrs. With the anti-christ in control, the world will have no conflicts and no martyrs. Simple as that.

A jew said it

I am not only a pacifist but a militant pacifist. I am willing to fight for peace. Nothing will end war unless the people themselves refuse to go to war.

-Albert Einstein

Turning the other cheek is something that sounds good, but will never work. Humans do not have the kind of mind which can tolerate abuse. If you turn the other cheek, your family or other people will strike back for you. It's the perfect demand if you want to create conflict, as no one can uphold it. Whoever does it will look weak, and no one wants to look weak in the long run, it will kill you. Once you fight back you broke the rule and you're a problem. That is exactly what they want, they have now successfully provoked you and you can serve the purpose of the evil force and turn the "saints" into martyrs.