> Arguing with idiots, bots and glowfags on /x/ was now taken to a new level
I don't know if I need more patience or an absurd kind of obsession but browsing /x/ felt futile even a decade ago and I cannot imagine the point of even arguing there. I check it like once every month scroll the catalog a little if my boredom is that high but it's one of the most inane shits ever sometimes. I know sometime there are golden threads but I am bad finding them. I remember some people called it /b/ but spookier even a decade ago because the quality was on that level. Can't even imagine the mental fortitude someone needs so they continue using that site with glowies and bots on top. Not to mention the amount of people being possessed by the lowest of demons and advertising their entities and influences without realizing.

Also cute bot btw. We need more small bots in cute little dresses in the future.