> Magic leaves these symbols after, which can be found and traced using "magic forensics".
When my Saturnian current "intuition" awakened I seen meaning in every minute on the clock and the shape and arrangement of every object. It was extremely annoying. I had to use that numerology system to figure out my own energies and find the pathway so I am not bound to the machinations of reality nor my energies are swept away with or without time progression. Not the funniest month of my life.
> What "looks like magic" when you can't do it then looks more like handiwork when you can, but I guess that's nothing new either. Magic is also a work in itself.
True. I too have this suddenly realizing skills once my energy aligns itself. Made me annoyed that "hard work" is something that means I am applying principles incorrectly. In gaming we call it "tryharding" instead of being a pro. But till an intuitive glimpse does not show the way all I can do is tryhard or leave it where it was so I cannot say I am against hard work it's just for me it's different.

 Also maybe the fact that now it reminds me of fringe a little more but on fringe we are lost in the wilderness while here we are "above" the forests where we can see everything. As I said might have been only me. Just managed to let go of things again in the past days. Finally my dumbness that arisen from a new mental model went away. Why is connecting brains so hard. Especially the lower brains. It turned out I had an energetic "Overspill" because some parts of my brains were overactive while some underactive so what belonged to the lowerbrains overtook my higher brains and my emotions went haywire and if I let go the emotion I became dumb from energetic mismanagement. Now some "Petals" bloomed again 

> It relates to the retarded way of always adding Ego to all memories, so that instead of "this is that thing", it's memorized as "this is my thing which I bought over there".
Yeah takes time to let go of it. Then I have to understand all matters of energetic entanglements to make it smooth. The spaghetti code of reality. The problem is not that it's "long" but it's entangled and you don't know what leads where. It's like that famous scene where the dogs kissing through spaghetti but now you have a million dogs and 7 tonnes of spaghetti. SURE IS GREAT TO REALIZE THAT EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED. But then again you are supposed to chew the spaghetti and not slurp the whole thing in so whatever.
> Romans trying to do algebra with Roman numbericals
Did they really try that?