> Their thinking was based
> If I have more soldiers and more good generals I win
> so there was just no way to think in abstract logic
They had greek slaves for that.
> not in weight of metal
I learned in school that in the long past they didn't have coins as currencies so they had a scale and weird bars of copper or some other metal as currency
> or squares of land
My favorite was the "roads of Jupiter". The roads that were used as the borders and shared roads between the farmers and it was "sanctified" so no farmer goes and takes it to use it as a land.
The state didn't even bother claiming superiority but they invoked the protection of Jupiter from the start. Why? A disgruntled citizen might disregard the will of the state but to anger a God? Now that is something you don't do. For a little disrespect he takes away all your luck and fortune. You certainly don't want that.

> where you have to play up the whole thing to be able to access something in the middle.
Yeah but fast forwards and rewinds existed even back then. In mental work we do this with intuitive leaps and the sorts. But yeah I get what you mean. My problem is when the "tapes" are all faulty and thrown all over the place and once I listen to a group of information I know I have to listen to several more. And the worst part when I listen to tape number 57 and realize I have to listen to tape 1-56 then the 57+ numbered tapes and it feels like this understanding will take forever. Not to mention even listening to a single tape results in groundbreaking results but it does not reduce the confusion just merely increases it.
Then the entities that are fans of the tapes recognize me as a fellow tape listener and now I have more friends and they recommend me even more tapes to listen. Aaaaaahhhhh