> Mundanes' reading comprehension seems to be completely shot
Yeah in the last decade they realized how they can create emotionally primed propaganda where your mind makes you focus and overreact on specific words then you disregard the rest. You probably noticed that most new headlines contained almost everything the article had because they realized the only thing that matters is an attention grabbing headline that will be reposted as much as possible and nothing else matters. This mentality made journalists dogshit because their articles became similar to cheap drugs and that fried 90% of the internet reader's mind. Even I noticed it that the way I am reading I am skipping words from time to time because I am overreacting some things out of nowhere. The "professional journalism" was gone. The typical "dad reads the newspaper with cigar in hand in the morning" audience was gone. We went into the mindless masses propaganda overstimulation territory and people absolutely broke during covid and the economic catastrophe pointless wars and blatantly lying governments and news broadcasters are making everyone on the edge paranoid distrusting and ready to blow in the next second. They are unhinged and or apathetic and the natural mental balancing ways of the people are gone and a new way for them to think didn't arise yet. It's sad to see because you notice the people who were not really cognizant from the beginning because the natural energies that guided their mental patterns are either gone or absolutely hectic. Even I have to watch over to not take seriously the energies that try to tell me the "state of reality" because I notice it comes from the broken masses.
> it won't be possible to learn and improve in anything. We'll probably have to start hiding away in monasteries again to create some kind of higher intellectual forum which isn't polluted by pure IQ 61 retardation.
There is a reason why the wise master hid always far in the mountain guarded by demons and monsters. As much as I want to say how that will "Not happen" in actuality it always was this way. The difference is that now even the most retarded person can use the internet while more than a decade ago there was a minor "skill" requirement. And let's not mention how the educational systems are falling apart not just because of government retardation but the quality of teachers are dropping too. 
But as everything this is a cyclic thing that will change. Humans always reach similar mass retardations somehow. "Shared karma" is a bitch. Some will rise above it while others will perpetuate it till the end.