> I have no idea at what level it gets "depleted" so it starts to use jing
Hell-fire only burns karma, it will rather replenish lost "jing", it's another way of understanding the "love" I mentioned in the tantra thread.
I don't know what you're doing with the other fires so I can't comment on that.
> I hate to use my organs for any magic
Pay attention to the existence and function or your organ souls. These are botsouls inserted as your body developed. They're made from qi but are not part of your mind. If one is damaged the organ will fail and you have to manually control it. This leads to the need for medication or in the case of damaged genital organ souls it leads to perversions.
I discussed this at length with Yuuka.
In the end I simply got rid of my organ souls and incorporated all functions in my own mind to do it all manually using shoggoth DNA. Yuuka said there is nothing wrong with organ souls or botsouls and that most people would not like the solution I chose, but that there's nothing wrong with shoggoth DNA either. It just looks weird and scary to most people.