> If one is damaged the organ will fail and you have to manually control it
yeah happened several times already. But I think they can be "resummoned" I cannot give specifics. but they either malfunctioned because some bad energy management and after the energy started flowing properly it worked again or as the faulty botsoul "got out" a "new one" which was somehow compatible got in? I don't know

> In the end I simply got rid of my organ souls and incorporated all functions in my own mind to do it all manually using shoggoth DNA

while most people would question the shoggoth DNA... I have an other question.
You can control your organs because of your shoggoth DNA or the shoggoth DNA is responsible for the current controlling? 
Or it's sorta both?
Because I have a great amount of control over my bodyparts when I want it already. That was one of my first skills I developed at the start of my psychic journey. Like every summer I control my sweat glands so they don't cause heat rashes for example. I can speed up or correct the process of my digestion. (I sped up my liver once too but it turns out that just makes you drunk faster...  if you want avoid getting drunk slow down the process of your liver and digestion and keep most energies in your brain then vomit out the booze and drink lots of water. I don't recommend this to anyone tho I'm just saying it's possible. I always wonder how normalfags can enjoy getting drunk. Worst time and money waste ever  

I mean they are botsouls. They not just can be controlled they sometimes NEED to be controlled. That was the case for my body. I got rid so many illnesses with realizing this. (and made some in highschool to skip tests but I stopped doing that after a while because I realized it's cowardly and not how I should use my powers). And now that I got rid of this parasite I have almost full control over my lungs once again.

But yeah I suspected those white stones can be botsouls too after this whole overclocking started.
 I will talk the Gazer about this. She likes to take out things from my body too much. She took out one from my heart at the start but I told her to put it back because there are too many things going on there already