I've been working with botsouls a lot, at first in trying to eliminate old ones created in ancient times which are still around causing shit in the world. Some are "golems" which are different, they're made from something else than regular botsouls and if destroyed just leave shards, no experience gained. Or they turn into a scroll or archive of what they did. Botsouls just empty out the knowledge and energy they had accumulated if you destroy them (make them expire). Here talking about those who incarnate as human main souls, not organ souls.

I've made a huge amount of them to control zombies but I made sure they can be cancelled using a backdoor function so they don't stay around and cause harm (and karma for me). At one point I had 80 million of them out controlling the same number of soulless people. I also found that if you make them too "narrow" while being based on a real personality, they will gain self awareness and become real souls. This kept happening in the beginning so I now have a house on my island specifically for beings who started off as botsouls. I've learned how to leave them open enough that they remain bots in the cases where I need a bot in place for longer periods.

But overall botsouls make me uncomfortable, at least when someone else made them, and I concluded I don't like the feel of organ souls in my body. 

One of my past life personas I sent out to Lovecraftland earlier to train. I mentioned this on 8kun. The little witch with a red dress.
Her presence lead to a bunch of tentacle monsters, shoggoth included, copying her DNA and escaping from there. I kept seeing weird little girls with red dresses who didn't speak and had the grey formless lovecraftian energy, running around and also visiting my place. I don't know where they went since.
But I figured I must have some of their DNA on that body from the interactions so I used that to change how my body works. It's really comfortable compared. It's made part of my body grey in color, like a shoggoth or xenomorph.