> Weird.
For me the weirdest was when fringe died for the xth time then we went to /haven/ so we can cont our vampiric ways then it died and migrated to discord to stay in obscurity forever then one day the whole thing resurrected in touhou and agriculture theme.
Was wondering wtf. I was thinking its either the demiurge fucking with me or these things are simply "meant to be".
Imagine liking magic touhou and work as a farmer since your childhood then the universe just HAPPENS to manifest a place with all these things put together.
Not to mention when I realized psychic powers are real and the entire history of magic is not a "fairy tale" like mundanes want you to believe but a science only very few selected individuals were able to understand (like most scientific fields nowadays always require a specialist and it's an enigmatic mumbo jumbo for everyone else) then after years of dabbling in basic magic and lurking fringe out of nowhere immortality attainment threads appeared and while it still had a feel of implausibility the techniques and experiences it described were true and I knew it somehow that it leads somewhere. Ofc I was not sure where and I never expected that it will lead me here Remember about discordianism? I never expected that a cancerous chat app will taint that name this hard. Sometimes I just stop bothering how weird and COINCIDENTAL things are. It's all an illusion after all. Especially this screen which has the singular job of making illusions shareable.
> Drawing by Brazil anon.
Is he okay nowadays? I know you mentioned you seen his soul "depart" into a higher dimension once but I didn't feel he is gone it was like he just doesn't like posting on imageboards too much. I cannot imagine what is like living in Brazil so I have hard time being sure about hunches like this