fe.settings:getUserBoardSettings - non array given[sunflower] - Endchan Magrathea
> then after years of dabbling in basic magic and lurking fringe
Forgot to mention that I concluded that my "goals" in life is the attainment of immortality time and space manipulation and Omniscience before being aware of the occult as all then as I started to get closer to these themes the necessary piece of the puzzle always appeared.

My thoughts flow in a weird way again. Managed to connect some deeper part of my psyche again. My "own evil". A place that never existed nor ever will. Even a seraph checked on me while doing it. I mean I think it was a seraph. They were like dark brown wings and feathers stretching into all directions and looked weird and only practical in higher dimensional places and not aerodynamically appropriate at all on the physical.
Even the queen appeared and gave a kiss on my neck that was causing problems because of some weird block b4. As I tried to get acquainted with an "evil" that is so not "approved" in this existence that I am not even allowed to "think" about I realized the goal is to not "attain" this evil but "get past it" so I can retain some parts of myself. It was a mere guardian force and not the main thing. 
Ever since that I noticed that the  thoughts I operated with are "too heavy" too dirty and they "slow me down" but because I am not used to think with "ascendent thoughts" my ability to follow my own train of thoughts have hiccups.
I too had a dream jumping dimensional layers in my old school last friday and other weirdness but I am not sure what to make of it yet.
First I was in the basement and I said to my friend this represents hidden dimensions then as I went around the school I noticed that the higher levels had a broken stair and my classmate from elementary gave me a jump with his hands so I can reach the higher still empty and "under construction" layer. It had bears... Found a long stick and knew how I can stave off the bears with that. Made noise and the bears didn't dare to come close but one of them was smiling weirdly.